The customer must have a valid account on the Next Community Edition forum ( to download the software, access most support resources, and activate the cluster.
The email account used to set up the account must be a business address. Public accounts like Gmail and Yahoo cannot be used.
4.1 Licensing
Ask your customer to sign up for a Next Community Edition account and register for software access by visiting the following link:
4.2 Obtaining the Software
After registration, download the software from the Next forum post entitled “Nutanix Next Community Download Software” located here: The customer must be logged in to access this location (Nutanix, Inc., 2020).
4.3 Preparing the Boot Device
The boot device (USB stick or SATA DOM) must be at least 8 GB as mentioned previously. Flashing the boot device with Nutanix software will destroy all pre-existing data on that drive.
You will need one boot device for each cluster node.
You will need to use a third-party tool such as the open source Win32DiskImager to image your boot device(s) with the Nutanix ISO downloaded in Section 4.2.
Linux/Mac OS X
The following procedure was taken verbatim from Nutanix’s help article “Getting Started with Nutanix Community Edition:”
If you are using a Linux or Mac OS X environment, you can use the dd command to image the device:
dd if=ce.img of=/dev/sdX
where X is the USB drive letter.
[Linux only] To find the USB drive letter, check the output of this command:
for i in /dev/sd?; do udevadm info --query=all --name=$i; done
(OS X only) List any storage devices:
diskutil list
(OS X only) Show information about a specific device:
diskutil info /dev/X
where X is the USB drive.
(OS X only) For improved performance when imaging, specify a block size of 1 MB.
For example:
dd if=ce.img of=/dev/rdisk2 bs=1m
(Nutanix, Inc., 2020)
Never remove a USB boot volume while the node is powered on!
Last updated
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